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Software development insights compiled for you by the people of bitcrowd

· 5 min read
Daniela Knöpfle
As many around the world, we decided to shift to work remotely for the next couple of weeks. In the following we would like to share our approach and experiences we made in the first couple of days.

· 11 min read
Malte Rohde

Programmatically generating PDF documents is a common requirement in many of our client projects at bitcrowd. While in Ruby there is a multitude of battle-proven libraries to choose from, the PDF library landscape in the Elixir/Erlang ecosystem is just beginning to evolve. Today, we introduce ChromicPDF, a fast and convenient Chrome-based HTML-to-PDF converter, written in Elixir.

· 3 min read
Paul Meinhardt
This blog post is the first in a series detailing our work on SSH support for Elixir and Erlang/OTP.