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React Berlin April

· 2 min read
Bodo Tasche

React is currently the hottest JavaScript framework out there. And shockingly it had no usergroup here in Berlin. But luckily this changed last week with the first meeting of React Berlin in our office.

The room was packed and everyone looked forward to the three talks. All three of them targeted beginners, so if you are new to the framework, those talks are a great point to start looking into it. And with the react native talk the night ended with one of the most promising things of the react world.

If you have missed it, we have recordings of all three talks below. Have fun watching them!

"What is Flux' @trodrigues #ReacJS @bitcrowd

— bitcrowd (@bitcrowd) April 1, 2015

Flux and a look at its various implementations

Tiago Rodrigues, Senior Developer at Contentful

This talk will give an overview of Flux, and a look at the current state of flux implementations and how they compare and contrast.


A basic React application architecture

Moritz Klack and Christopher Möller, founders of webkid

This talk will focus on Moritz and Christopher’s react-starterkit project, including how to structure a basic React app using a flux implementation called Reflux, as well as how to set up your build environment with webpack and gulp.


Let's build a React Native app in 20 minutes

Peter Magenheimer, front end developer at ResearchGate.

In this talk, Peter will attempt to port a not-so-tiny React app to iOS. Live. 6 days after the release of React Native... and with approximately 0 years of previous experience in native mobile development. What could possibly go wrong?

Bodo Tasche

Bodo Tasche

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