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Software development insights compiled for you by the people of bitcrowd

· 5 min read
Philipp Tessenow
At some point in the life of a Ruby on Rails app comes the point where a user or admin needs to download data. This is often done in the form of CSV or JSON downloads.

· One min read
Philipp Tessenow

Both, SASS and CSS support variables, and of course they are not the same:

  • SASS variables get compiled into actual values into final CSS files.
  • CSS variables can be used as variables in the browser.

· 3 min read
Bodo Tasche

The first time I found out about eurucamp was during the euruko 2011. Some people talked about this “unconference” close to the venue that a few people had organized. The tickets for the euruko had been sold out too quickly and everyone who could not buy one was invited to meet there instead. At that euruko I gave my first real talk and because of that I was way too nervous to take the U8 to visit them. I should have done it.

· 2 min read
Bodo Tasche

React is currently the hottest JavaScript framework out there. And shockingly it had no usergroup here in Berlin. But luckily this changed last week with the first meeting of React Berlin in our office.

· 4 min read
Bodo Tasche

2014 was an awesome year for bitcrowd. We had lots of fun and worked on awesome projects with great customers. In this post we want to highlight a few of the moments of 2014 we loved.

· One min read
Bodo Tasche

There are a handful of tools you never know you missed, unless someone shows them to you. And MTR is clearly one of them.

· 4 min read
Bodo Tasche

What is so appealing about typing colored text into some editor window?

Let’s try metaphors.