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Ruby Usergroup February

· 2 min read
Bodo Tasche

Yesterday we had the awesome chance to host the Rug:B again. And as always, it was packed. It was really great to see so many people in our office.

After everyone had food by Fineartz Cooking the talks started. In the first talk @Hagenburger showed us his new gem that automates your git workflow with Pivotal Tracker.

The second talk by @overbryd showed us lots of nice little tricks when working with MySQL. From zero downtime backups to a zero downtime replication setup.

As a last talk we had the nice opportunity to listen to @_zzak talking about benchmarking rails applications.

.@Hagenburger up on stage talking about his new gem for git workflows - whole presentation as a live demo!

— rug_b (@rug_b) February 5, 2015

We hope you all had a good time at bitcrowd. If you couldn’t make it or want to rewatch the talks, we managed to get two of them online. Sadly we had a little problem with the audio on the others.

zzak えザック - The Rails App Writing Benchmarks Analysis

Txustice - Monadic Software

Bodo Tasche

Bodo Tasche

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